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Showing posts with the label Candi Sojiwan

Umbul Cokro, a Recommended Nature Tour in Klaten

Umbul Cokro or Cokro Spring Object (OMAC) is one of the most widely known tourist attractions in Klaten. OMAC is located on Jalan Cokro-Tulung, Cokro Village, Tulung District, Klaten Regency, Central Java. Before being used as a tourist attraction, Umbul Cokro was utilized by local residents for various things. Umbul Cokro is a river that has a high water discharge. The water in Umbul Cokro is abundant and clear. Reporting from a thesis entitled Dynamics of Utilization of Umbul Ingas Cokro Springs by the Community in 1974-1999 by Putri Novitasari in 2019, said that around 1950 local residents could still bathe free of charge. Apart from bathing, Umbul Cokro is used for washing and irrigation. The river or Umbul Ingas was then renovated by the village government (pemdes) into a building. Since then, the Ingas River has changed its name to Umbul Ingas spring. The spring was developed into a tourist attraction called OMAC. After the renovation, the spring attracted tourists. Umbul Cokro s

The Enchantment of Sojiwan Temple in Prambanan Klaten, the Relief is Rich in Stories and Moral Messages

Sojiwan Temple is located in Kebon Dalem Kidul Village, Prambanan District, Prambanan Regency. This temple is one of the Buddhist temples included in the Prambanan area. Based on some research, Sojiwan Temple was built at the same time as the nearby temples, namely in the IX-X centuries AD. The Central Java Cultural Heritage Preservation Center has finished restoring and organizing the environment to make the temple so beautiful. Sojiwan Temple is unique. This uniqueness comes from several relief panels that tell animal stories. If understood more deeply, these stories convey moral messages that are timeless. These moral messages are also very useful for daily life.  After the research, there were some interesting findings. One of them is the traveling ditch. Some of these ditches are located in residential areas. Inside the perimeter ditch, statues, temple foundations, fence structures, temple stones (loose), structures and temple stones were found around the residential area located