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Umbul Cokro, a Recommended Nature Tour in Klaten

Umbul Cokro or Cokro Spring Object (OMAC) is one of the most widely known tourist attractions in Klaten. OMAC is located on Jalan Cokro-Tulung, Cokro Village, Tulung District, Klaten Regency, Central Java. Before being used as a tourist attraction, Umbul Cokro was utilized by local residents for various things. Umbul Cokro is a river that has a high water discharge. The water in Umbul Cokro is abundant and clear. Reporting from a thesis entitled Dynamics of Utilization of Umbul Ingas Cokro Springs by the Community in 1974-1999 by Putri Novitasari in 2019, said that around 1950 local residents could still bathe free of charge. Apart from bathing, Umbul Cokro is used for washing and irrigation. The river or Umbul Ingas was then renovated by the village government (pemdes) into a building. Since then, the Ingas River has changed its name to Umbul Ingas spring. The spring was developed into a tourist attraction called OMAC. After the renovation, the spring attracted tourists. Umbul Cokro s

Savory Kepel Khas Klaten, a Legendary Snack that Still Exists

Of the many takjil culinary delights that circulate during Ramadan, Kepel is one of the most popular among Klaten people. This flour-based preparation with a mixture of spices sells well when it's time to break the fast.


If interpreted in terms of language, kepel or kepelan means grip, this is because the process of making kepel is clenched in the palm of your hand. This snack is very easy to find throughout Klaten Regency.
But launching from the Central Java Provincial Government page, the original maker came from residents of Keden Village, Pedan District, Klaten. It is known that this legendary snack has been around since the 1970s.

Ingredients for Making Kepel

Kepel is made from wheat flour, which is added with onions, salt, water and then kneaded and fried. This simple food has a savory and crunchy taste that is loved by many people.

In the past, kepel makers used to mix cow offal, such as tripe, but this is no longer done. Generally, kepel snacks are favored by children because they are sold in elementary school areas.

Reporting from the same source, the Head of Keden Village hopes that the younger generation can make modifications to the kepel food so that it can be more widely accepted by the community. 
