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Umbul Cokro, a Recommended Nature Tour in Klaten

Umbul Cokro or Cokro Spring Object (OMAC) is one of the most widely known tourist attractions in Klaten. OMAC is located on Jalan Cokro-Tulung, Cokro Village, Tulung District, Klaten Regency, Central Java. Before being used as a tourist attraction, Umbul Cokro was utilized by local residents for various things. Umbul Cokro is a river that has a high water discharge. The water in Umbul Cokro is abundant and clear. Reporting from a thesis entitled Dynamics of Utilization of Umbul Ingas Cokro Springs by the Community in 1974-1999 by Putri Novitasari in 2019, said that around 1950 local residents could still bathe free of charge. Apart from bathing, Umbul Cokro is used for washing and irrigation. The river or Umbul Ingas was then renovated by the village government (pemdes) into a building. Since then, the Ingas River has changed its name to Umbul Ingas spring. The spring was developed into a tourist attraction called OMAC. After the renovation, the spring attracted tourists. Umbul Cokro s

Umbul Kapilaler Klaten: Offering the Sensation of Swimming in Super Clear Water Source

Klaten is a paradise for umbul tourism. One umbul that is interesting to visit is Umbul Kapilaler. This place is also known as Umbul Sigedang. The location is in Umbulsari, Ponggok , Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency, Central Java. Like umbul-umbul in general, the water in this place is also very clear. However, one of the attractions of this tourist spot is the existence of a banyan tree on the edge of the pond. This banyan tree is one of the visitors' favorite spots for photos. Because it comes from a natural spring, the water here does not smell of chlorine but its clarity is maintained. The color is crystal clear blue. It is even more charming with the koi fish that swim freely here. The combination creates a refreshing and aesthetic natural scenery when photographed. This Umbul has the nickname of a thousand-gallon spring. That's because this place is one of the springs from a famous bottled mineral water factory in Indonesia. For tours here, visitors are charged an entr

Yaa Qowiyyu: Exploring the Traditions of Kyai Ageng Gribig's Legacy in Klaten

Every Safar month in the Islamic calendar, the people of Klaten Regency carry out the Ya Qowiyyu tradition which is a legacy of Ki Ageng Gribig hundreds of years ago. Ki Ageng Gribig , whose real name was Wasibagno Timur, was a great scholar who spread Islam in Krajan Village, Jatinom, Klaten and its surroundings. Ki Ageng Gribig was very good at preaching strategies, so that his preaching hit the hearts of the people. Many of them, who were atheists at the time, eventually embraced Islam. One day, Ki Ageng Gribig returned from Mecca and brought a souvenir in the form of apem cakes to be distributed to relatives, students, and neighbors. Because it was not enough, Ki Ageng Gribig then asked his family to make apem cakes. Apem, which comes from the word affum and means sorry, is then called apem Ya Qowiyyu. The word Ya Qowiyyu was given because when closing the recitation, Ki Ageng Gribig always prayed a prayer that read "Ya qowiyu yaa aziz qowina wal muslimin, ya qowiyyu warsuqna

Lumbung Temple, an Ancient Mataram Heritage in Prambanan, Klaten

Lumbung Temple is a temple located in the Prambanan area, precisely in Dukuh Bener, Bugisan Village, Prambanan District, Klaten Regency, Central Java. This temple is one of the temples included in the Prambanan World Heritage Area. Lumbung Temple is a Buddhist temple that is estimated to have been made around the 9th to 10th century, precisely when it was still ruled by the Ancient Mataram kingdom. Lumbung Temple is a temple that is not much different or related to Sewu Temple. This is known from the shape of the ancillary temples that are similar to the ancillary temples in Sewu, namely the stupa-shaped roof. This also shows that Lumbung Temple has a Buddhist temple background. The name Lumbung itself is still unclear. The name is a term used by the surrounding community because of its shape that resembles a lumbung (rice storage building). Near the Lumbung Temple, an inscription known as the Kelurak Inscription was found. According to Boechari, an epigrapher, this inscription is rela

Untoroyono Temple: A Temple that Stands on a Land of Anger and Wingit

Klaten is one of the districts located in Central Java . Many people are more familiar with Klaten as a district located between Yogyakarta and Solo. However, more than that Klaten is also one of the districts that until now still firmly preserves the diversity of cultures, traditions to historical relics owned. Many historical relics found in Klaten Regency are temples, including Bubrah Temple, Plaosan Temple, Sewu Temple, Lumbung Temple, Sojiwan Temple, Asu Temple, Peacock Temple and Untoroyono Temple. One of the temples that until now still functions as a place of worship for Hindus is the Untoroyono Temple located in Kalangan Village, Pedan District, Klaten Regency. In addition to being a place to carry out worship activities, Untoroyono Temple is also often used as a place of meditation to sharpen mysticism. In the process of establishing Untoroyono Temple, several time-consuming rituals were carried out to facilitate the construction process. The Mystical Story of the Land Where

The Enchantment of Sojiwan Temple in Prambanan Klaten, the Relief is Rich in Stories and Moral Messages

Sojiwan Temple is located in Kebon Dalem Kidul Village, Prambanan District, Prambanan Regency. This temple is one of the Buddhist temples included in the Prambanan area. Based on some research, Sojiwan Temple was built at the same time as the nearby temples, namely in the IX-X centuries AD. The Central Java Cultural Heritage Preservation Center has finished restoring and organizing the environment to make the temple so beautiful. Sojiwan Temple is unique. This uniqueness comes from several relief panels that tell animal stories. If understood more deeply, these stories convey moral messages that are timeless. These moral messages are also very useful for daily life.  After the research, there were some interesting findings. One of them is the traveling ditch. Some of these ditches are located in residential areas. Inside the perimeter ditch, statues, temple foundations, fence structures, temple stones (loose), structures and temple stones were found around the residential area located